Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Earning customers for life and giving homeowners peace of mind since 1968.

Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. is a third generation family owned and operated company that began in 1968. Center Termite strives to provide clients with the highest level of service through expertise in the termite and pest control industry. From the office staff to the licensed technicians, Center Termite’s goal is to provide 100% satisfaction so that clients will continue to use their services in the future and refer them to their family and friends.

Center Termite & Pest Control makes every effort to provide non-invasive technically advanced eco-friendly treatment methods and to utilize their crew’s skills in wood repairs with little to no inconvenience to their clients. At Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. they are in the customer service industry exterminating pests.

Mark Hernandez, the owner of Center Termite & Pest Control Inc. grew up in Downey, California where both of his parents were in the termite industry. At a very young age, Mark spent summers on crew trucks learning the ins and outs of the termite industry. After graduating from Downey High School, Mark studied college courses but knew that his passion was in the termite industry with an ultimate goal of taking over the family business. In 2005 Mark accomplished his goal and with his family’s blessing, took over Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. as CEO. Mark has earned respect in the termite and pest control industry standing as Vice President of Pest Control Operators of California. Today, Mark focuses his energy into bettering his company through implementing inspectors to take pictures of inspections and loading them onto tablets so customers will not have to follow technicians around during inspections as well as giving the customers peace of mind that the technicians are completing a thorough inspection,. Mark has weekly classes with his staff to ensure that Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc.’s employees are extremely educated. Mark’s innovative thinking as well as his passion for customer service has built Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. into a company that runs on family values but with the ability to take care of any size job.

Tara Hernandez, Mark’s wife and the Office Manager of Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. grew up in Littleton, Colorado with aspirations of becoming an attorney. Tara graduated in 2008 Cum Lade from the University of Colorado with a Bachelors degree in Communications and a minor in Law Studies. Tara worked for Starbucks Coffee Company all through college where she learned that managing and leading teams was her true calling. Tara managed the busiest Starbucks drive-through in Aurora, Colorado earning accolades from Starbucks as well as her community for community involvement. After getting engaged to Mark, Tara moved to California where they decided to run Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc. together. Today, Tara is a licensed Field Representative that has quickly taken an interest in the termite and pest control industry. Tara has weekly meetings with the office staff to ensure that they are able to speak knowledgably about the services that clients are potentially calling about.

What sets Center Termite a part from every other termite company is simple… they are different. From the time a client schedules an appointment they speak to a friendly, knowledable office administrator about the specific services the client calls about. The night before the appointment, Center Termite’s friendly staff will call the client and remind them of their appointment the following day. It doesn’t stop there, thirty minutes before Center Termite’s technician arrives to the property, the office staff calls the client and tells them that the technician is on their way. All Center Termite’s technicians are licensed to complete the services that they were scheduled for.

After services have been completed, Center Termite & Pest Control, Inc.’s Quality Assurance team follows up with the client to find out how everything went at the job. Center Termite takes all feedback very seriously and strives to answer any questions clients may have and pass on praise clients may give.

Center Termite & Pest Control stands by three standards in which they strive to meet each day:
Center Termites Clients: We are committed to treating our customers with the upmost respect and dignity. We ensure that our customers understand every step of their treatment from preparing for our technicians all the way to how to maintain the treatment to the fullest potential. We haven’t done our job correctly unless we leave our client with peace of mind and knowledge that their home is protected by the best.
Center Termite’s Team: We are a team because we are working toward a common goal and shared rewards. We understand that in order for us to complete our jobs to the fullest extent we have to understand, support, and respect each other. Communication is key, and we recognize that in order for us to truly be successful we have to be willing and able to learn from each other.
Center Termite’s Industry: We are part of a larger community and it is our responsibility to make sure we are knowledgeable about current industry standards. We understand that our customers depend on us to have the most technologically advanced form of treatments that are also safest to the environment.

Center Termite & Pest Control Inc. would be honored if you chose them as your termite and pest control company. All they ask is an opportunity to earn your trust.