Inspect and Protect! How to Preserve the Value of Your Home

Air Date: April 14th 3-4 pm

Homeowners and future buyers– Your home is your biggest asset. Do you know how to care for it properly?

Don’t miss our special show dedicated to protecting the value of your home! We’ll be speaking with Mark Hernandez, owner of Center Termite and Pest Control, and April Kass, marketing director at La Rocca Inspections.
These guys are experts at what they do– and boy do they have some stories for you! In addition to some very valuable advice, they’ll be sharing some entertaining on-the-job experiences that may surprise you.

1 Response

  1. Great job guys!!1 i am so very proud of you. You have come along way in such a short time. Please come down and try out for the opening of Jerry’s new Charreada. I know it would work out well! Whatever you decdie JOB well done, Debs