Bill Baskin – Director of Operations at CDA Law Center



CDA Law Center (CDALC) is nationally recognized by non-profit Homeowner Advocates as one of the most trusted firms in the country for helping consumers through their Loan Modification process. With over four years of foreclosure prevention related experience, and over 3,500 successful modifications negotiated, you can feel confident that our experienced case managers, analysts, underwriters, and attorneys will work diligently on your case. Our commitment is to provide you with honest and ethical advice, and to help you make an informed decision regarding your loan modification needs.  Our ethical standards prohibit us from accepting clients unless they have a demonstrable financial hardship, have capacity to make a modified payment, and we believe you meet the Net Present Value criteria required for a loan modification.
consultation. Based on this preliminary information, we determine whether it is likely you will qualify for a loan modification from a financial perspective and relay to you what your modification terms may look like upon lender/servicer approval. We base our decision from our extensive experience in working with the various government and non-government programs offered by the various Lenders and Servicers. If we believe you do not have a case for modification, we will tell you why.  We can help with loans owned by both private investors and the GSE’s (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), and primary residences, investment properties, and commercial real estate.At CDALC, we understand how the uncertainty of the loan modification process can be stressful, as the outcome of any negotiation is uncertain. Anyone, including attorneys, who tell you otherwise or guarantees specific results should be scrutinized carefully.  We pride ourselves on our tremendous knowledge and our ability to guide our clients through the process, we perform each and every service we contract with you to perform, under the supervision and direction of our attorneys.  To help us determine whether you potentially qualify for modification, we first gather your detailed financial information and conduct a free, no obligation financial analysis and initial

consultation. Based on this preliminary information, we determine whether it is likely you will qualify for a loan modification from a financial perspective and relay to you what your modification terms may look like upon lender/servicer approval. We base our decision from our extensive experience in working with the various government and non-government programs offered by the various Lenders and Servicers. If we believe you do not have a case for modification, we will tell you why.  We can help with loans owned by both private investors and the GSE’s (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), and primary residences, investment properties, and commercial real estate.

Bill will be a featured guest on “Credit Repair and Loan Mods: Debunking Urban Myths” Saturday June 9th from 3 – 4 PM and “Know Your Rights: Credit Repair and Debt Resolution” Saturday June 16th from 3 – 4 PM.
For more information visit


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  1. […] by popular demand! Jordan White, Executive Sales Director at American Credit Repair and Bill Baskin, Director of Operations at CDA Law Center are joining us once again to talk about life after […]