Caprice Collins – Estate Planning Attorney, Speaker, and Educator

Caprice L. Collins is a prominent Estate Planning Attorney and a graduate of Harvard Law School with 32 years of experience. She is a regular Keynote speaker on living trusts, business and estate planning for many groups including Churches, Civic and Business groups and Financial Advisors and has also appeared on various Television and Radio Shows. On top of being a very qualified Estate Planner, she is also a loving mother of two, a wife of 28 years and up until September of 2008, was a caregiver to her mother for 10 years. She has raised millions in charitable bequests for faith based and non-profit organizations and has successfully helped thousands of families avoid Probate. She is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. Her professional passion is communicating the importance of Estate Planning and serving clients who want to plan for themselves and their family. Her passion for helping others plan well for the future was borne of her own family experience which provides the motivation to ensure all of her clients are well-protected.


Caprice will be a featured guest on “Your Estate of Affairs” Saturday June 30th from 3-4 PM.

For more information about Caprice’s upcoming seminars and events click HERE.

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