Category Archives: The Word on Real Estate

News and Current Events

April 28th is National MOM PROM Night!

Mom Prom is a non-profit event that started in 2006 in Canton, MI and currently takes place in over 50 cities across the United States. On April 28th, women all over the country will be dusting off their tackiest, silliest prom dresses, bridesmaids gowns, and...
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What the FAQ is a Reverse Mortgage?

Most of you have heard the term "reverse mortgage" before, but few people know what it actually entails. Reverse mortgages can get a bad rap as a last resort option for the poor, but in many situations it can actually be a great retirement planning...
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A Nation of Renters?

Bank of America rolled out a new Mortgage to Lease program last week to mixed reviews. The program has numerous stipulations and is only being offered to a test market of 1,000 homeowners in Nevada, Arizona, and New York. In order...
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“Let’s Talk About Money” with Mike Torres

We just had to share this amazing blog post by our friend and guest of the show, Mike Torres. A highly successful probate investor and educator, Mike's blog is full of useful advice for how to achieve financial success and mental wellness. In this tough...
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HARP is Here!

HARP 2.0 launched last Saturday, March 17th and is available to all Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae borrowers who owe money on their homes. There's never been a better time to act and take advantage of record low interest rates, which have been creeping...
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The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act

The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act is due to expire at the end of this year. If you're struggling with the decision on whether to keep your house, foreclose, or short sale then you might want to factor this legislation into your decision. Usually,...
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USC Unveils Plans for Expansion Causing Some Locals Concern

[caption id="attachment_382" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="The New University Village"][/caption] The University of Southern California has recently announced plans for expansion and renovations to their Los Angeles campus, set to be completed by 2013. Most notably, the plans call for new student dormitories, which will provide...
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HARPing on the Details

HARP, or the Home Affordable Refinance Program was initially created in 2009 to help homeowners who didn't have enough equity in their homes refinance and take advantage of low interest rates. In the past, when mortgage rates dropped, people would rush to refinance. After...
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Equity Tides Still Rising

With fourth quarter reports rolling in from testing and analytic groups like CoreLogic and Realtytrac it seems that, although the housing market as a whole is creeping upwards in some areas, homeowners aren't out of deep water yet... literally. The number of homes with negative...
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