Category Archives: Misc

HGTV Star: Valerie Fitzgerald

As a single mom with a successful real estate career, Valerie Fitzgerald ascribes to the belief that you can achieve anything in life that you set your mind to – as long as you believe in your own personal power. For more than 20 years, Valerie...
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LISTEN NOW:Tapping into Probate Properties

We talk to Karla Dennis about money matters, and then we chat with real estate investor  Justin McClelland, who just rode his bike from New York to LA for a cause. Later on,  probate investor, coach and CEO of Mike Torres international, Mike Torres, helps us understand the ins...
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Sarah Laflin – Homeowner Advocate

SARAH LAFLIN, cleavage, stilettos, humor, charm and all heart is the Erin Brockavich of loan modifications and accomplishes miracles on a daily basis. Following her through trials and tribulations, on a daily basis she navigates our broken banking system. Sarah saves homes and saves “The...
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