Category Archives: This Week on Call Toni

Big Business Goes Local – The Corporate Social Responsibility Movement

Air Date: Saturday July 21st 3-4 PM Do you know what corporations are doing their part to make the communities around them a better place? Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, has been around for decades, but only recently has it started to garner attention from the public. Annemarie Du Lebohn is a CSR Strategist, Iron Woman, and...
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Creating Tax-Free Income

Air Date: Saturday, July 14th, 3-4 PM Did you know that in many states taxes account for up to 30% of your income? That's a significant amount of money, and most people never stop to question whether or not they're paying more than they have to. Read more

The Estate of Your Affairs

Air Date: Saturday June 30th, 3-4 PM Did you know that 55% of Americans pass away without a trust? Getting your final affairs in order can be complicated to say the least. That's why we're so excited to have Read more

Your Mindset, Your Success

This week we'll be discussing... hypnotherapy. Sure, this might seem like a stretch, but in dealing with distressed properties (and there are more now than ever), you can't help but notice the correlation between the state of one's mind and the state of their finances. A recent...
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Credit Repair and Loan Mods: Debunking Urban Myths

Air Date: Saturday June 9th 3 - 4 PM We get lots of questions from listeners about Loan Modification and Credit Repair, so this show is long overdue! But we decided to wait until we could bring you the absolute best experts in these fields, and...
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