Darbe-NokesDarbe Nokes, credit restoration specialist, will be a guest on the Call Toni show this week. The show will air Saturday, November 2nd at 3pm PT on KTLK AM1150. Listeners not in the Los Angeles area may stream the show from KTLK’s site http://ktlkam1150.com. Darbe will discuss who is a candidate for credit restoration, how it works and general tips for improving your credit.

Darbe Nokes has a fascinating background being involved in many different jobs and opportunities like traveling the globe as a , “Dallas Cowgirl”, Flight Attendant for Southwest Airlines and working as a spokesperson for Coors Brewing Company. She also had the opportunity to travel with Nascar, Supercross and a promotion company called, “Coors Light Texas Music.” This led her to being a freelance Sports Broadcaster for TNN and ESPN.

Darbe married in 1996 and moved to Malibu, California. She worked alongside her husband in a very successful infomercial DRTV Company in creative development marketing products like The Smart Mop that sold over 12 million units worldwide and Orange Glo and Oxy Clean just to name a few.

In 2009 Darbe was introduced to “relationship marketing” and spent the next few years developing a successful team of sales agents with a financial company. Her company focuses on financial education services, where they help people with their most important assets, such as their credit score, identity theft, providing wills and trusts and much more! For Darbe it’s about connecting and helping others with the knowledge she has gained over the years.

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