HenryGlowaBankruptcy Attorney, Henry Glowa will be a guest on the Call Toni show this week. The show will air Saturday, March 8th at 2pm PT on The Patriot AM1150. Listeners not in the Los Angeles area may stream the show from https://calltoniradio.com/ by clicking the ‘Listen Live’ button on the left hand side. Henry will explain why bankruptcy is sometimes a viable option and why we should disregard the negative stigma associated with it.

In 1988, Henry graduated from law school, passed the California Bar Exam, and immediately went to work for one of the world’s largest law firms. While working there, he was given the opportunity to prepare bankruptcy cases, on a pro bono basis, for terminally ill patients. After several years at the firm, Henry opened his own office to devote his attention, full-time, to helping people and small businesses in financial crisis.

Although Herny has represented both creditors and debtors over the past 23 years, He found his passion lies in helping individuals and small businesses suffering from the burdens of overwhelming debt. It is Henry goal to treat each client in a professional, nonjudgmental, discreet way, with compassion and dignity.

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