JasonBrownJason Brown, from Worth Unlimited, will be a guest on the Call Toni show this week. The show will air Saturday, January 11th at 3pm PT on The Patriot AM1150. Listeners not in the Los Angeles area may stream the show from The Patriot’s site http://www.patriot.la/. Jason will explain how his program can significantly decrease the time to pay off one’s debt.

Jason Brown is a Graduate of Utah State University with Dual Majors in International Business and Spanish. He has almost 20 years in selling, training and recruiting in the financial industry. Jason is a national Speaker and Educator on Debt solutions and wealth creation. He is Currently the Vice President of Worth Unlimited. This program is responsible for assisting tens of thousands of American homeowners in paying off over 550 million dollars in principle on debt since 2006.

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