Tag Archives: Souther California

International Speaker: Nadine Lajoie

Nadine Lajoie is a “Success Acceleration Trainer”, International Speaker, #1 Best-Selling author of “Win The Race of Life” and 4 times Book Awards Finalist.  She semi-retired at 36 years old from her financial business, serving over 800 clients since 1995 in their finances, business...
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FHA: To Bailout or Not to Bailout

With over 1.2 million mortgages insured, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) looks like it’s headed for financial problems; and the Obama administration is hoping it won’t result in a bailout. The FHA currently supports around 15 percent of U.S. home loans, which is down from 30 percent in 2008. At a possible deficit of $16.3 billion,...
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